We're very impressed
with our curriculum.
Now it's your turn.
Hebrew School is an incredible opportunity. We have the chance to inspire future adults with a sense of Jewish pride and awareness.
At Chabad our goal is simple: We want our students to view Judaism in an intelligent, relevant and upbeat light. We hope to engage their senses of identity by capturing their imaginations and attention. So, we put a lot of effort into providing our students with substantive lessons and a positive atmosphere.
Were forging new paths to a kid-friendly Jewish education, by devising an original curriculum which projects a clear vision of the students' entire Hebrew School experience. Each step follows a logical progression, creating an interconnected and upwardly spiraling education. Basic topics such as Shabbat, Holidays and Kosher are 'packaged' differently each time they are revisited, so that those units don't seem repetitious.
The lessons are multi-sensory and hands-on. The students truly experience what they are being taught. For example, if we discuss G‑d's creation of flowers, we use a real flower - not a description, a photograph, or even a silk replica of a flower. The classroom representation is as realistic as possible. The lessons are structured with discussion-starters, to create a lively, interactive classroom experience. The information truly becomes the students own.
Our Hebrew School uses original Hebrew-reading methodology (in addition to some of the wonderful reading aids already available) to ensure that your child will read fluently at the end of his/her Hebrew School experience.
Last but not least: There's really something special about the teachers. They are trained in Judaic teaching programs in the USA and Israel and actually live the material they are teaching - and there's nothing like teaching by example.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Morah Rivkah Brikman, Director
Ages 4 - 12
3844 Lyme ave. Sea Gate, NY
For more information call Rivkah Brikman
917-975-2792 or e-mail [email protected]